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Sunday 2 October 2016

English Story For Kids : The Monkey And Wedge

         Respected English Teacher, English story Telling Is The Best Way To Attract Them In Learning English Subjects. English Is Too Hard To Teach In Government Primary Students. But Our Hard Working Is The Only Way To Teach English Our Students. Here you Will Get Daily English Story. I Hope you Will definitely Use It And Say Story To your Students Everyday . 

Nondh :
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There was once a merchant who employed carpenters and masons to build a temple in his garden. Regularly, they would start work in the morning ; and take a break for the mid day meals, and return to resume work till evening.

      One Day , a group of monkey arrived at the site of the building and watched the workers leaving for their mid day meals.

The Monkey And The Wedge - Panchatantra Story Picture

     One of the carpenters was sawing a huge log of wood. Since it was only half-done. He placed a wedge in between to prevent the log from closing up. He then went off along with other workers for his meal.
    when all workers were gone, the monkey came down from the trees and started jumping around the site, and playing with the instruments.
   There was one monkey, who got curios about the wedge  placed between the log. He sat down on the log, and having placed himself in between the half-split log, caught hold of the wedge and started pulling at it.
 The Monkey And The Wedge - Panchatantra Story Picture 
   All of sudden, the wedge came out. As a result, the half-split log closed in and the monkey got caught in the gap of the log. As was his destiny, he was severely wounded.

THE WISE INDEED SAY :One, who interferes in others' work, Surely comes to grief.

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